Insuring Intellectual Property - How to Protect Yourself
Intellectual property, hard copy and in cyberspace, should be carefully examined to determine what insurance can best protect you.
Intellectual Property Matters: Patent Infringement
As a technology based company, knowing you have developed state of the art products, you aggressively pursue selling a service contract to that large corporation you know badly needs your services. Required limits of liability usually follow, with specifics of coverage and "Additional Insured" status requirements.What do you do?
Intellectual Property in Contracts -- and Your Insurance
Most software licensing agreements contain clauses regarding intellectual property infringement, usually indemnifying the client for any IP infringement complaints. Rarely are these clauses supported by insurance, which is important to understand should problems occur.
Computer Crime
Computer theft is currently a $10 billion industry. Insurance claims on stolen computers have increased 600% with average theft claims in 1992 of $5,000 growing to $500,000 in 1998. Crimes where computers are the targets are currently being replaced by computers being used as the instrument of crime - are you safe?
LLCs versus Personal Trusts for Seasonal Homes
LLCs are a very bad idea for seasonal homes
Cyber Warfare & Trade Disruption
Background:Embargoes, prohibitions of outsourcing (especially when involving communications infrastructure), confiscation or freezing of foreign assets and/or currency, and contract repudiation can likely ensue during panic mode.
The First Internet Liability Insurance Policy
The First Internet Liability Insurance Policy
RISK is a 4-Letter Word
Let’s look at issues involving risk transfer and how it might draw added value toward you and your products.
Don’t Risk Protection With Poor Planning
An annual comprehensive discussion of risk with the professional team – accountants, insurance providers and attorneys – can make a positive difference, both competitively and practically.