Is Outsourcing Right for You?
Outsourcing a non-core function can save you time and lower your costs. It can give you access to added expertise, and can provide you with a valued partner in your business as the outsourcing relationship grows. In summary, here are reasons to outsource and reasons not, as well as how to get started:
A provocative issue regarding outsourcing beyond the U.S.
It is not unrealistic to conclude that following the next major terrorism threat or attack on US soil or possibly a pandemic, the US government may restrict overseas outsourcing,...
Protect Against Infringement with Insurance Coverage
Don’t get caught in a costly IP dispute.
Lessons Learned - Off-Premises Property
Your losses may not be covered. One lesson often learned very painfully is loss of property stored somewhere other than at your office premises.
Lessons Learned - Scheduling Specific Property
Scheduling Specific Property - What to - what not to
War game aims to prevent legal battles for insurer
Mass High Tech, 1998 - "War game aims to prevent legal battles for insurer" describes exercise undertaken to analyze and place first insurance policy on cyberspace.
Insurers as DP Vendors: N.P. James in Best's Review
Insurers as DP Vendors: UNFOLDING before the insurance industry is an unforeseen marketing phenomenon as insurance companies finally bring workable agency computer products into the competitive systems market. Aetna's IBM Gemini system is the product of two industry giants and, in my opinion, is the first system to be worthy of a creditable mark in the open marketplace.
A Critical Look at Agency/Company Interface: An Interview with Nancy James
In "A Critical Look at Agency/Company Interface," Nancy James, an technology insurance expert, raises some provocative issues.