25 Years Ago This Month, We Thought the World Might End!

The Y2K Problem: What would happen when the use of computerized two-digit-year date fields encountered the date 01/01/2000? Would it be read and processed as 1900? Would pandemonium and chaos ensue?

No one knew then.

Today, can you imagine our current U.S. Congress compromising? Our president signing the compromise against the interests of his largest donor base? “Year 2000 - The Inside Story of Y2K Panic and the Greatest Cooperative Effort Ever” describes such a Washington scenario as the millennium approached. The Y2K millennium computer software date crisis might well serve as a contemporary roadmap for our current government turmoil. Every working economy needs a stable monetary system, a working infrastructure for heat, light, communications, transportation, and civil order. Nancy P. James has written a book detailing how the very real Y2K crisis was averted. Her just-published book describes how Y2K unfolded; how it was discovered, analyzed and corrected; how cooperation on every level succeeded. Along with this saga are the amusing mistakes, gaffs, near misses and a little-known potential national threat. This 25-year-old historic perspective offers understanding of how a nation united to solve a universal challenge. 

The world didn’t end on January 1, 2000. In fact, most people rang in the new year with the perception that nothing happened at all. Ah, perception! Read the real story!

This new year, dive into Year 2000: The Inside Story of Y2K Panic and the Greatest Cooperative Effort Ever (Prometheus Books) by Nancy P. James for more about this amazing story.


My Y2K Risk Survey


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